1910 Penny Error List & Value

How do you estimate the 1910 penny value? If you are a newbie in coin collecting, there are some things that you need to consider thoroughly, including its condition, mint mark, and even errors. It’s important to be knowledgeable of these aspects so you’d be able to maximize a coin’s worth.
To help you out, we’ve gathered all the key details that you need to learn for a fun and informative coin-collecting journey! So, let’s get started with the value chart in today’s market and see if these are worthy to be obtained.
1910 Penny Value Chart |
Mint Mark | G | F | XF | Uncirculated |
1910 No Mint Mark Penny Value | $0.35 | $1 | $4 | $10 |
1910 S Penny Value | $17 | $22 | $45 | $80 |
1910 No Mint Mark Penny
The 1910 Penny is one of the earliest Lincoln Penny coin series. It is actually part of the Lincoln Wheat Penny, which started in 1909. The Wheat Penny replaced the Indian Head Penny that was in circulation from 1859 to 1909.
With the inception of Wheat Penny, the government gathered details on what should be incorporated into the coin. The process of choosing the new penny design was a tough one. Former president Roosevelt tapped Augustus Saint-Gaudens to create a design, but it was not completed due to his untimely death.
The initial design was supposed to be something that had a conventional headdress of Native Americans. However, this was replaced with the work of Victor David Brenner, featuring a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Using the image of the former leader was an apt choice because 1909 would be Lincoln’s centennial birth.
Accordingly, the citizens were widely in favor of having a portrait of the beloved president on the one-cent coin. The US people truly acknowledged Lincoln’s achievements, especially during the American Civil War. He was also loved by the nation because of the Emancipation Proclamation that ended all slave contracts.
And with the approval of then-president Roosevelt, the Lincoln wheat penny was introduced, becoming the first US coin that encompass an actual person. Roosevelt reached out to Victor Brenner after seeing one of his works, which was a 1907 Lincoln plaque.
Aside from the portrait of Lincoln on the obverse, you’ll also find other markings. For one, it contains the well-known US motto “IN GOD WE TRUST” at the top while the word “LIBERTY’ is etched at the left side of the coin. The year of minting is inscribed on the right portion.
For coins minted in Philadelphia, there’s no mint mark added. Therefore, if you don’t see any letter beneath the year, which in this case is 1910, then it’s a clear indication that the coin was produced in Philadelphia.
Even after many years, the original design continues to be part of the US coinage. In fact, it’s still being used on modern pennies up until now. On the other hand, the reverse design of pennies has evolved through the years.
But the 1910 pennies, contain the original design also made by Brenner. It had two durum wheat ears, each piece fringed on both sides. The traditional US motto “E PLURIBUS UNUM,” which means “Out of many, one,” is also added.
Moreover, an oversized “ONE CENT” is placed at the center. And just below the denomination label is “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” During this year, Philadelphia released a total of 146,801,218 standard coins and 2,352 matte-proof specimens.
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Matte proofs are quite unique in terms of appearance because it entails sharp features yet dull-like surface. However, it’s difficult to obtain these pieces because of their restricted production. Even with the differences in appearance, 1910 no-mint mark pennies have the same composition.
It used 95% copper as well as 5% zinc and tin. With the elements at hand, the coin weight of earlier Lincoln pennies is only 3.11 grams.
Aside from understanding the history of the coins, it’s also crucial to learn how these are appraised. And since most Philadelphia-minted coins were circulated, the value of the coins is not that high. A good-condition coin would only sell up to $0.35.
Meanwhile, specimens that are in fine and very fine condition may range between $1 to $4. And for uncirculated coins, the base price is around $10. So, if you’re looking for a cheaper way to kick off your coin collecting, this is a good start.
1910 S Penny
The other primary minting city during 1910 was San Francisco. You might be wondering why Denver was not part of the minting locations. Actually, Denver only started producing Lincoln wheat pennies the next year. Therefore, only Philadelphia and San Francisco were the two main US Mints in 1910.
Even so, San Francisco was able to manufacture 6,045,000 coins. Some of these coins were circulated while others were kept for collectors. Hence, the value of the 1910 S pennies largely differs―not just with the condition of the coin but also with its category.
Surprisingly, coins struck in San Francisco during 1910 were pricier compared to those minted in Philadelphia. In fact, a good-condition coin is estimated to be around $17. This is definitely higher than the $0.35 rate of Philadelphia-produced coins.
And of course, higher-grade pieces are more valuable too. In the current market, a fine condition coin settles around $22 while a very fine piece can work up to $45. And uncirculated coins could be worth $80, which is 8 times higher than an uncirculated 1910 no-mint mark penny.
One of the main reasons why 1910 pennies from Philadelphia are not that value is due to the high mintage. If you compared both cities, Philadelphia produced more than 146 million while San Francisco only struck 6 million.
The difference in the number of coins produced largely affected the valuation of the coins. Why? Simply because you can easily find 1910 no-mint mark pennies than 1910 D pennies. And if there’s a restricted supply of coins, it becomes more desirable among collectors, hence the higher rate.
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Therefore, you should keep an eye on the mint mark because it definitely influences the worth of the coin. To do so, you check the obverse side and see if there is a small letter “S” right below the mint year. If you find one, the odds are in your favor!
Just make sure that you keep the coin secured so that it won’t acquire marks caused by wear. Marks on the coin relatively pull down its value. So, store it properly for it to have a higher grade.
1910 Penny Grading
Since there were only two minting locations during the year 1910, assessing the value of the coins is a bit easier. We’ve already mentioned that San Francisco-minted coins are more valuable than Philadelphia-struck coins, and the reason was associated with the number of coins produced.
Grading the coins also factors in the condition. Has the coin retained its original luster and sharp features? Does it contain several marks? Good-condition coins are pretty much easier to find in the market while extremely fine coins are a challenge to obtain. And of course, the errors in the coin are key factors too.
1910 Penny Error Lists
Errors can certainly happen, especially if millions of coins are struck in the same year. And in 1910, over 152 million Lincoln wheat pennies were produced. The amount minted was way higher compared to the previous year, which only released 74 million coins.
As a result, there were a couple of production problems during the year. And as a coin collector, it pays off to be knowledgeable of these errors beforehand.
1. 1910 Penny with Die Cracks
A coin die is one of the very important components when producing a coin. Coin dies are metallic pieces that contain the design of the obverse and reverse sides. Because it serves as the main equipment to strike a coin, a die should be in perfect condition. If not, then die cracks could happen.
In 1910, several coins had die cracks because of using a damaged die. The imperfections on the die transferred into the planchet. So, if you see some raised elements on the surface, which should not be part of the official design, then it’s definitely a die crack error.
Often than not, coins with this flaw are priced slightly higher. Experts value them between $5 to $10, depending on their general condition.
2. 1910 Penny Double Die
Next on the list are pennies with double die. From the name itself, these errors are characterized by doubling the designs. And for 1910 pennies, this particular problem was recorded on the inscription of the reverse part of the coin, specifically the “E PLURIBUS UNUM” marking.
As to the worth of the pennies, errors like these surely improve their valuation. Most of the coins with double die are estimated to be around $100 or even more. Therefore, don’t underestimate this flaw because it surely helps in increasing its price!
3. 1910 Off-Center Penny
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If you look closely at the coin and you find that the portrait of Lincoln on the obverse or the inscriptions on the reverse is slightly off-center, then it could be a nice addition to your collection. Coins with this flaw are quite valuable, ranging from $5 to $250.
According to experts, designs that are significantly away from the center due to striking error are more desirable among collectors. In fact, coins with 50% off-center are already considered a special piece, which means they could be sold at a very impressive price.
4. 1910 Penny with Re-punched Mintmark
Only San Francisco made use of mint marks in 1910, which is the letter “S” stationed below the minting year. Therefore, this error is only found on San Francisco pennies. Normally, if using a correct die, the mint mark should sharply engrave the letter.
However, if there’s a problem during the striking of the die or perhaps a lapse caused by the worker, then re-punching may be required. And this occurred when making some 1910 S pennies. In general, a good-condition coin without this error may be valued at around $17.
But if it has a re-punched mintmark, it could now reach $25, which is definitely a great catch. And of course, coins with an extremely fine condition, plus this error, may be appraised higher.
1910 Penny FAQ
1. How much is a 1910 penny worth today?
To determine the value of a 1910 penny, you should first establish its mint mark. Those produced in Philadelphia do not have mint marks and are estimated to be between $0.35 and $4. On contrary, San Francisco coins could be around $17 to $45.
On the other hand, uncirculated specimens are more valuable, ranging from $10 to $80. Aside from the mint mark and current condition of the coin, you also should pay heed to the errors found on the coin. These can certainly help in amplifying its current worth.
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2. Are 1910 pennies rare?
1910 pennies are generally not considered rare. The main reason for such is that most of these coins were technically made for circulation. However, this can change if there are certain elements that make a coin unique.
For example, proof coins are dedicated to collectors and not for public use. Hence, these are relatively pricier. Aside from the type of coins, imperfections on the coins caused during production are relevant factors that can make a penny special.
These could be off-center designs, double dies, or even die cracks. So, if the coin has these errors, it can definitely alter its physical appearance, making them rare pennies. And of course, these are sought-after items that are sold at a higher price.
3. Where can I buy 1910 pennies?
Since 1910 pennies were widely circulated, which means you can easily find them. One popular place to buy these coins is through a coin dealer. Most pawn shops and even antique stores also sell these coins. If you don’t have extra time to physically visit a store, then the best choice would be online auctions.
There are also online platforms that offer these pennies, specifically eBay. All you have to do is check out their collection, choose your preferred piece, and have it shipped to your doorstep!