» 1992 Quarter Error List & Value

1992 Quarter Error List & Value

1992 quarter value

The 1992 quarter was from the Washington quarter series and minted in two compositions, silver and a mix of copper and nickel. Although the face value of the quarter is $0.25, proof Washington quarters are worth more.

The 1992 quarter had a mintage of 778,717,667 from three mints. The coin is categorized as a Washington Quarter and holds great historical value. Although the quarter saw many composition changes, the coins minted in 1992 were mainly composed of copper and nickel. The coin has 119 reeds along its rim. Since the quarter is not that old, they mostly sell for their face value.

Read on about the design, history, and related details that can aid in accessing the value of your 1992 quarter.

1992 Quarter Value Chart

Mint Mark Good Fine Extremely Fine Uncirculated
1992 P quarter $18
1992 D quarter $18
1992 S proof quarter $13

1992 P Quarter Value

1992 P Quarter Value
Image Credit: usacoinbook

The 1992 P quarter was minted in the Philadelphia Mint. 380 million coins were minted in the year 1992, which goes for a price between $0.25 for one in good condition, whereas the cost can go up to  $18 for uncirculated coins in mint condition. Although the coins don’t have much value as they are not considered old, they will gain value over time.

The design on the obverse side shows George Washington portrayed and facing the left side. The portrait shows the neck and face. Just below the portrait’s chin, you can see the legendary phrase In God We Trust, whereas, at the lower bottom rim, you’ll see the year 1992 written.

The mint mark is minted on the right side of the coin near the portrait’s hair. Above the head, the word Liberty is seen struck in capital letters.

The design shows an eagle with widespread wings perched on a pile of arrows. The eagle is seen holding these arrows with both claws. Below the arrow, there’s an olive branch extending to both sides. The arrows in the eagle’s claws represent the 13 states of the US.

You’ll see a quarter dollar at the lower rim below the olive branch, whereas, on the top rim, the United States of America is clearly written. The phrase E Pluribus Unum is written above the eagle’s head using two rows.

In the early years of coin minting, the quarters were composed of silver, but the composition was changed in the 1940s. This change in composition was done to prevent the hoarding of silver coins. Most silver stackers and hoarders preferred stocking up on silver coins to melt them later and extract the precious metal. This metal could be sold for a higher price than its face value.

Starting in 1965, a copper-nickel composition was adopted instead of a silver core. During the early years, most popular designs were used for the same denominations. For example, coins of different denominations shared the Seated Liberty, Draped Bust, Standing Liberty, and many other designs. The only difference between these coins was the size, edges, and composition.

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The Washington Quarter was introduced in 1932 to celebrate the late president’s 200th birthday. Although George Washington himself was against putting the faces of presidents on currencies, the treasury still decided to put his portrait on the quarter as the Lincoln penny was already in circulation and had gained massive popularity. It was not the first time George Washington’s portrait was used on a currency.

Earlier in 1869, the $1 bill also depicted Washington’s portrait on one side. Over the years, the quarter has seen many changes. These quarters are made in variations like the 50 State, American Women, Crossing, Delaware, and America the Beautiful quarters.

However, the original reverse design was crafted by John Flanagan and was used until 1998. The original Obverse was also done by the same sculptor and inspired by Jean-Antoine Houdon in 1786. The obverse design was later changed from 1998 to 2022 which Laura Gardin Fraser crafted. Several reverse designs were also used until Flanagan’s design was again slotted in 2022.

1992 S Silver Proof Quarter Value

1992 S Silver Proof Quarter Value

The San Francisco mint produced 1,317,579 silver proof quarters. Although a mix of copper and nickel was used to mint these quarters, the proof coins were mainly silver with a bit of copper mixed in the composition.

These coins have a higher value than other varieties. The rarity and the composition of these coins increase the coin value to more than $14 for an uncirculated coin. Proof coins are minted specifically by mints to add to the coin sets sold by the treasury and for coin collectors. These proof coins have a cameo effect which gives the coins their mirror-like shine and provides an impeccable outlook.

1992 D Quarter Value

1992 D Quarter Value

Minted in Denver, the 1992 D quarters have little value because almost 400 million of these coins were minted. However, rare grades and errors can always fetch more money. While most coins in good, fine, and extremely fine conditions sell for a few cents more than their face value, higher-graded coins are worth $18 and up.

Still, the 1992 quarter remains an average value coin due to the massive quantities produced that year. While the coin is from the popular Washington Quarter series, they haven’t gained much value over the years.

1992 Quarter Grading

Although coins minted in different mints have varying values, their true price can only be known after grading. The proof-like (PL) and Deep-proof-like (DPL) grades are the most expensive and increase the coin’s value to more than its face value.

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Grading your 1992 quarter not only reveals peculiar details still present on your coin but also makes it easier to put a value. The video shared here provides basic information about grading your Washington quarter.

Rare 1992 Quarter Error Lists

While most people will throw out an old Washington Quarter, there are several errors that can increase the coin’s value manifolds. Here are a few popular 1992 quarter errors you can find.

1992 Quarter Broadstruck Error

1992 Quarter Broadstruck
Image Credit: coins.ha

When a coin is minted, collars hold the coin sheet in place and give the coin its spherical shape. Three collar molds are attached, but if all three fall due to constant wear, the broadstruck error occurs.

If one collar slips, the coin flattens to the same side. However, if all of the collars fall, the coin flattens in every direction. Quarters with these broadstruck errors are easily sold between $12 to $15.

1992 Quarter Double Die Error

1992 Quarter Double Die Error
Image Credit: ebay

The double die error is one of the most common errors found. When the coin is minted, it has to be struck multiple times at the same spot to imprint a perfect image. However, if the planchet or die slips on different strikes, it can produce a double outline which is clearly visible on the coin’s lettering. The coins with the most evident double outline sell for over $150.

1992 Quarter Off-Center Error

The error occurs when the first strike of the coin is made at the wrong angle. Instead of placing the die in the center, the die is striking at an unfocused angle, creating an off-center image. The higher the off-center error percentage, the higher its value. A 10% off center error coin sells for $75 to $90, whereas the 15% off center goes for an average of $60.

1992 Quarter Die Crack Error

1992 Quarter Die Crack Error

Due to continuous coin minting, the dies can get cracked, creating unwanted marks, grooves, and depressions on the coin surface. These die crack errors are sometimes obvious between the lettering or on the portrait.

1992 Quarter Outer Clad Absent Error

1992 Quarter Reverse Outer Clad Absent Error

In this error, the coin’s outer clad is missing, giving the coin its shiny outlook. Due to the missing nickel layer, the copper core remains exposed, resulting in a coppery tone. Coins having one side copper and the other nickel sell for an average of $80.

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1992 Quarter Struck Through Grease Error

1992 Quarter Struck Through Grease Error

When a lubricant like a grease adheres to the die surface, striking the coin might not produce a crisp outline and might even have some misprinted areas. Besides grease, metal shavings, dirt, and debris can also stick to the die, resulting in poor minting.

1992 Quarter Clad Plating Error

Although the coin is made of copper, it is coated with a nickel layer to give the coin a shiny and silvery appearance. The clad plating error occurs when the nickel layer fails to fully cover the coin surface. Due to the imperfect nickel coating, the appearance resembles a rusty coin.

1992 Quarter FAQs

What’s the value of my 1992 quarter?

The value of any coin depends on its condition and whether the coin has any rare errors or is available in limited numbers. If you have a 1992 quarter in fine condition, it can only sell for above 25 cents, whereas a coin with an error can sell for an average of $10 to a few hundred dollars.

In summary, your 1992 quarter will be valuable if it is in pristine condition. If you think you have a rare coin, it’s best to contact a professional coin grading service to accurately evaluate the specimen and put an accurate valuation.

Is there any silver in my 1992 quarter?

The 1992 Washington Quarter is composed of copper and nickel. Most people confuse the outer nickel layer with silver due to its similar appearance.

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Is there any special event associated with the 1992 quarters?

There are two things associated with the 1992 quarter. One is that the coin was from a commemorative series celebrating the 200th birthday of George Washington. The other thing was the proof silver quarters minted in 1992 till 1998. The composition was 90% silver and is still sought after by collectors.

Which quarter is worth $35,000?

The 1970 quarters are rare but the 1970 S quarter with 80% silver struck on the Canadian quarter is an expensive coin. The coin which is valued at $35,000 is a PF 65 grade coin rated by a grading company.

Which US state quarters can be exchanged for cash?

Which year quarters are worth more money than others?

All quarters minted before 1965 were composed of silver and have a lot more value than the coins minted after 65. The coins minted during wartime are also seen as valuable finds, especially the 1944 steel half dollars.

Where is the mint mark on the 1992 quarter?

You can either find the P, D, or S mint mark above the quarter written above the lower coin rim. The P mint mark was not present in the quarters before 1980 and was added later on.

Which 1992 quarter varieties are rare?

The 1992 quarter is a common coin, as it was minted around two decades ago and in massive quantities, which keeps its value low. However, the 1992-proof coins are worth more than the other varieties due to their striking finish. Proof coins with a cameo effect are the most expensive of them all.

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